From dust and trees
By days and dreams,
deep to dry the tears
From dark, we rise black.
From the crude to the clouds,
through the scars we saw the stars
By the grey ashes and loom
To the green lands and glory,
Of all these fumes we still flourish our
Of all the bloody violence
We still grow blissful blossoms in our lives
Because victory lies back down in our nerves.
From all shadows of Phobia
Force and power remain our Philia
Because we are the blue berries that rose
On the bank of the river Nile.
In the North we narrate the Brown tales,
In the East we stay black,
To the South we sail white,
By the Central we construct the cosy kindness.
To the horn we glow with glory and victory.
Through these winds is where we find our
Feathers and wings
Around this frenetic fire is where we share our stories,
In these caves is where we chase our prey.
Because this is the place to stay
Nkosi Sikelel I Africa (God bless Africa)
Featured image by Harshil Gudka via Unsplash
About the Contributor
Muctar Inkindi is a male Rwandan aged 23. He loves writing poems, theatre scripts and children’s literature. He is also a mental health activist and likes to write about peace, love, nature, and life in general.