‘Dear Vanessa‘ was voted by members of the WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (July 16–28, 2024).

Dear Vanessa,
Just as I prepared
To celebrate two years with you,
You vanished like a whisper in a loud party.
Early in the morning, Vanessa
Like seriously?
Was waiting for two days
A needle pricking your brain?
This heart, as delicate as a ripe
Tomato, you smashed.
I cried, Vanessa
Like a steak sizzling in a pan
And you, like a champion, cheered.
Like seriously?
These tears haven’t dried, Vanessa
Just like your waters.
You don’t even think I miss them, huh?
You think these memories are just sugarcanes?
Like seriously?
I am neither a goldfish nor a dolphin, Vanessa
I am more of an elephant;
Your scent has stuck in my nose.
I still think of you, Vanessa
Even when I am not thinking.
You want to linger in my mind like a procrastinated task, huh?
Like seriously?