Writers Space Africa-Rwanda

Submit to Kendeka Prize for African Literature 2023

The Kendeka Prize for African Literature encourages aspiring writers to write about African issues from an African perspective, amplifying African voices around the world.

The prize is accepting entries for its 2023 edition from February 1, 2023 to May 15, 2023. The admission is free. The Prize will be awarded to the author of the best unpublished short story in fiction or creative nonfiction. The first prize is Kshs.100,000, with the second and third prizes being Kshs.50,000 and Kshs.25,000, respectively.

Submission Guidelines

  • Entrants must be born in, or are citizens of any African country.
  • The deadline for submission is mid-night May 15, 2023.
  • One entry per writer.
  • Manuscripts should be of between 3000 and 5000 words.
  • All entries must be in English.
  • Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format, with the title of the story as the file name.
  • The first page of the story should include the title of the story and the number of words.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing.
  • Entries must be sent as attachments to an email.
  • The email to which the story is attached must include the legal name of the writer, telephone number, a short Bio, age, and country of residence.
  • Entrants agree that the prize organizers may publicize the fact that a story has been entered, long listed, shortlisted or won the prize.
  • An author of a long listed story agrees to its inclusion in the anthology, and to work with editors to get the story ready for publication.
  • The long listing of a story is not a guarantee that the story shall be included in the anthology.
  • The winners, first and second runners-up in the past Kendeka Prize, are not eligible.
  • Every author confirms that the submission is their original work, it has not been published anywhere else, and that it has not been long listed in this prize or in any other prize.
  • The entrant gives exclusive global print and digital rights to Solano Publications Ltd for the long listed stories for publication in an anthology. The author retains the copyright.
  • The judges’ decision is final.

Entries can be sent to info@kendekaprize.com

For more details, visit www.kendekaprize.com

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