Writers Space Africa-Rwanda
Issue 2 Poetry Umukarago

Sleeping Candle – Gilbert Becko Niyitanga

In the quiet corners of my soul,

A flickering flame once burned its glow,

A beacon of hope, night and day,

Guiding me through life’s uncertain way.

I held close with my heart open wide

A faded candlelight, my trusted guide.

Its gentle fire was a calming embrace

Where I found solace in lucent grace.

But alas, the flame grew weak and dim,

As shadows encroached, devouring its vim.

I stood in darkness, lost and alone,

Yearning for the day I used to own.

Oh, how I searched for another spark

To illuminate the paths so dark!

But in the depths of despair, I found

No gleam to lift me from the ground.

Yet, within my heart, a flicker remains,

A glimmer of hope that forever sustains.

For I believe the flame will resuscitate,

And fill my world with a never-dying light.

Though I wander in this abyss of night,

I hold on to faith, burning ever bright,

Knowing that the darkness will not last,

A new dawn will come, dispelling the past.

My sleeping candle, I await your return,

To brighten my soul, let happiness churn

For in your radiance, I’ll find blissful rays

And bask in the eternal glow of your gaze.

Featured image by Freepik

Gilbert Becko Niyitanga is a Rwandan poet, business researcher, and article writer currently studying Human Resources Management at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) in India. He is passionate about poetry and writing, captivating readers with his emotional and thought-provoking works. Gilbert is professionally certified in project management, career navigating, and coaching, as well as leadership, demonstrating his commitment to personal and professional growth. With a rich cultural background, he embraces global experiences and aspires to make a positive impact on the world through his creative pursuits and dedication to excellence.

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