‘Umutima Untoroka Igitereko’ was voted by members of WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (September 2–September 8, 2024). Amaso yanjye akikubona,Ituze ryuzuye umutima wanjye,Ibyishimo birandenga,Mbura...
‘A Poet’s Folly’ was voted by members of WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (August 26–September 1, 2024). All hackles raised, she dived in headfirst....
‘The Lonely Moribund‘ was voted by members of WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (August 19–25, 2024). And all that felt like a cold breeze yesterdayTurned...
‘Ntunseke Ndishimye‘ was voted by members of WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (August 12–18, 2024). Mu ruturuturuNtetse amazi,Ahiye ntera ipasiNshoje noza ibyomboNibutse ubuhanuzi bw’itanuraMperako ndapfukama...
‘Tuzajyana‘ was voted by members of the WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (August 5–11, 2024). Mfite agahinda mporana itekaNtazi impamvu ntazi imvanoIyaba kica mba narapfuyeAriko...
‘Dear Vanessa‘ was voted by members of the WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (July 16–28, 2024). Dear Vanessa, Just as I preparedTo celebrate two years...
‘Miss Zorro’s Final Hearing‘ was voted by members of the WSA-R community as Literary Work of the Week (July 15–21, 2024). When light abandons the monarchyAs it leaves...
A cry here, another there,Adding up with timeTill they’re all one could hear,The heartbreaking sobs. A corpse and another,Gazillions of them all over“What sin did...