Who We Are
Writers Space Africa-Rwanda (WSA-R) is a community of Rwandan writers who are determined to enhance their skills, network, and collaborate.
Our Mission
To promote creative writing and the culture of reading in Rwanda by providing a platform for writers to learn, showcase their work, and form meaningful connections.
Our Background
WSA-R was established in April 2020 during the initial Covid-19 lockdown in Rwanda. Our objective was to unite Rwandan writers, encourage mutual learning, and foster networking. We recognised the need for a platform that could assist local writers and poets, particularly young writers, in enhancing their writing abilities and utilising them to create a positive impact within their communities.
At WSA-R, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration. As Rwandan writers, we strive to elevate the literary industry in our country and make significant contributions to the advancement of the African literary scene.
As a member of Writers Space Africa (WSA), a continental writing community, we leverage various social platforms to provide constructive feedback to our members on a daily basis, allowing them to refine their writing skills, establish valuable connections, and foster collaborations.