Writers Space Africa-Rwanda
Issue 2 Poetry Umukarago

A Zombie Pleading for Your Return | Gisele Umurungi

Amidst the scary waves,

Black and dark clouds

Cluster over my head

Daring my pride to

End this losing game.

From a broken heart’s view

Grinding my teeth, I sigh and

Halt these deafening voices.

I sit and wait a bit longer,

Jades that cover my heart

Kneel as they plead for another

Love. I, however, offer them a

Magic look, seat on pills and

Needles, wondering if your

Oath to protect me will live at least.

Puzzled and desperate, I

Quench my thirst by

Reading your old letters and

Sipping on your fragrance

That was left in the linens.

Unknowingly I smile and scream

Vigorously at once

With this wilting and

Xeric heart of mine

Yelling like a hungry

Zombie pleading for your return.

Featured image by Matthew Henry

Gisele Umurungi is a passionate writer of fiction and non fiction. She is a med graduate who enjoys reading romance genres. She is also a foodie and lover.

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